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    Call for Applications

    ICD Press
    ICD Press

    Nombre de messages : 18
    Age : 39
    Date d'inscription : 18/01/2011

    Call for Applications Empty Call for Applications

    Message par ICD Press Mar 12 Juil - 10:51

    Call for Applications


    Dear Professors, Friends and Colleagues,

    On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to bring to your attention the following major programs hosted by us in partnership with other leading organizations. The Program will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

    We are currently accepting applications for these events and I would be grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending.

    The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

    (International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)


    Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

    (Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)


    The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session

    (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011)


    Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the news of our upcoming events. If you do not wish to receive emails from the ICD in future, please send us an email to info@culturaldiplomacy.org indicating this.

    We look forward to seeing you in London/Berlin.

    With warmest regards,

    Mark Donfried

    Director & Founder

    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

    Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)

    Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719

    Phone: 00.49(0)30.2360-7680



    ------------ Please forward the announcement found below --------Thank you --------------

    The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

    (International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)

    Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

    (Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)

    The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session

    (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011)


    -------------- All programs are currently accepting applications ---------------

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is currently accepting applications for the events outlined above, all of which will take place in London and Berlin during July/ August 2011. The Programs will bring together young professionals, students and scholars, governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, and other interested stakeholders from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the fields of politics, the arts, academia, media, and business.

    The Language of Art & Music - "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

    (International Conference, London, August 25th - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)


    "A Three Piece Puzzle" is an international Conference taking place in London from August 25th - 29th, 2011 to explore the relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization through a program of workshops, lectures & discussions, debates, film screenings, art exhibitions, performances and cultural activities. The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. The audience will include scholars and academics, students and young professionals, artists, diplomatic and political representatives, representatives of civil society, and other interested stakeholders.

    The conference will begin by looking in greater detail at "culture" and "identity" and how these terms are used and understood today. The program will then build on these components by considering the role that culture plays in contemporary international relations and the process of globalization. The conference will then explore and summarize the challenges that lie ahead and the complex relationship between culture, international relations, and globalization over the next two decades (during these five days the concepts of "cultural diplomacy" will also be explored in more detail).

    Conference Speakers

    The event will bring together artists and practitioners from the fields of culture, literature, and music, that will share their perspectives alongside renowned academics and leading figures from international politics, diplomacy, civil society, and the public sector. These speakers will include a number of individuals from the ICD Advisory Board (for further information about the Advisory Board please click here).

    Sustainable Network »

    During the program the participants will have opportunities to network amongst each other, with the speakers, as well as with ICD Advisory Board Members and partners. Conference participants will become part of a growing international network of people from across the world of diverse interests and backgrounds who share a commitment to intercultural exchange. Participants will be able to remain in touch with each other through the ICD Networks.

    Conference Participants »

    The conference is open to applications from young professionals, students and scholars, diplomatic and political representatives, civil society practitioners, private sector figures, journalists, and other interested stakeholders in international relations from across the world.

    To apply please visit:


    Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD)

    (Weeklong Seminar, London, August 22nd - 29th, 2011 - Held Parallel to “The Notting Hill Carnival 2011”)


    **Participants of the forthcoming ACD weeklong seminar will take part in the International Conference "A Three Piece Puzzle: The Relationship between Culture, International Relations and Globalization"

    (London, August 25th - 29th 2011)

    Art as Cultural Diplomacy: A Forum for Young Leaders (ACD) is a network of young, influential individuals from across the world, who have an interest in art, music, cultural studies, international relations, political science, peace studies, and diplomacy. The program is particularly suited to individuals with an interest in the role of artistic and cultural expression in providing a platform for strengthening intercultural relations at the regional, national, and local levels.

    The ACD Weeklong Seminar is an international and interdisciplinary gathering of students, young professionals, and cultural practitioners from across the world. The seminar provides an excellent opportunity for young people to expand their knowledge of current and future developments in these fields, meet with current and former key cultural players and politicians, build sustainable networks with each other, and experience the rich and diverse cultural life of the city of London.

    The program will consist of speeches, panel discussions and seminars held by leading figures from the areas of performing arts, visual arts, film, literature, architecture, academia, diplomacy and politics. Speakers will offer a range of perspectives on current and conceptual issues in the development of cultural policy and arts administration within an international context, and the current and future potential of the arts as a diplomatic tool.

    In addition to the academic components, participants will take part in a range of social and cultural activities that will allow them to experience London's unique cultural landscape. These activities will include group dinners and drinks, trips to artistic performances, concerts, and literary readings, and visits to important cultural and artistic landmarks.

    To apply please visit:



    The ICD Academy for Cultural Diplomacy - July Session

    (Berlin, Weeklong Seminar, July 25th – 31st, 2011)


    ICD Academy Sessions are weeklong programs that explore the role of cultural diplomacy in contemporary international relations. Each program features lectures, seminars and workshops lead by experts from the fields of international politics, diplomacy, academia, civil society, and the private sector. During their time in Berlin participants will also have the opportunity to take part in cultural and social activities and to visit institutions such as the German Foreign Office, the German Parliament, the Berlin City Hall, cultural institutions and Berlin-based embassies.

    Seminars Speakers

    Speakers during the Academy Sessions include experts from the fields of politics, diplomacy, civil society, academia, and the private sector.

    Seminars Participants >

    Each Academy Session will bring together an interdisciplinary group of individuals from across the world. Typical participants include young professionals, students, civil society practitioners, scholars and academics, journalists, and private sector representatives.

    To apply please visit:



    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy


    The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy is an international, not-for-profit, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Berlin, Germany. The goal of the ICD is to promote global peace and stability by strengthening and supporting intercultural relations at all levels. Over the past decade the ICD has grown to become one of Europe’s largest independent cultural exchange organizations, hosting programs that facilitate interaction among individuals of all cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds, from across the world.

    Previous Events

    Previous events held by the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy include the Berlin International Economics Congress 2011 (Berlin, March 9th - 12th 2011 – www.biec.de ), which hosted The Hon. Nahas Angula - Prime minister of Namibia; The Hon. Jean-Paul Adam - Foreign Minister of the Republic of Seychelles; The Hon. Alberto Jose Guevara Obregon - Minister of Finance of Nicaragua; The Hon. Al Imam Al Sadig Al Mahdi - Former Prime minister of Sudan; The Hon. Akua Sena Dansua - Minister for Tourism of Ghana; and The Hon. Edmund Bartlett - Minister of Tourism of Jamaica.

    In January 2011 the ICD hosted "The Future of US Foreign Policy" (Washington DC, January 4th-6th), which hosted The Honorable Michael Chertoff - Former United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Senator William Emerson Brock III - 18th United States Secretary of Labor; Admiral James Milton Loy - Former Commandant of the Coast Guard; Vivian Schiller – Former CEO and President of NPR; Governor William Weld - Former Governor of Massachusettsand The Hon. Senator Tim Hutchinson - Former United States Senator from Arkansas.

    For more information on speakers who have attended previous ICD events, please click here.

    Please address any additional queries to info@culturaldiplomacy.org

    We look forward to seeing you in Berlin.

    Mark Donfried

    Director & Founder

    Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)

    Ku´damm Karree (3rd Floor/Hochhaus)

    Kurfürstendamm 207-8 Berlin, Germany-10719

    Phone: 00.49.(0)30.2360-7680

    Fax: 00.49.(0)30.2360-76811



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    Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the field by following the ICD on Twitter – click here
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      La date/heure actuelle est Mar 17 Sep - 9:25